Monday Glamour

Moving forward I’ll be continuing the ‘Monday Glamour’ series – sharing glamorous photos (every Monday!) that inspire me. Inspiration is everywhere; from the movement of fabrics, colorful prints or closely captured details. We could all use a little extra inspiration to start the week, so let’s go!





Monday Glamour

On a dreary Monday morning like today, I find the following particularly fascinating…

Beautiful photography like this leaves me feeling completely inspired + captivated in a glamorous wonderland. I’ve decided that each Monday, starting today, I will be posting a new series called “Monday Glamour” specifically devoted to dreamy photography of glamorous women, places + things. I hope you enjoy XO If you liked this post, you might also like this!

*All Photos Taken from my Pinterest Account*

Glamorous Living

When I need a quick escape from the daily grind, I tend to spend my breaks searching through hundreds of glossy photos on Pinterest. It’s fun to imagine incorporating elements seen on Pinterest into your own life. Lately I’ve come across loads of over the top photos of glamorous women living glamorous lives where the sun never stops shinning + the stars shine the brightest.

Photos like these inspire me + remind me that life is an art and the details of everyday add up to who we are. And that it is possible to approach all aspects of life this way – living artfully doesn’t always have to cost a pretty penny, except a little passion + creativity.

*Don’t forget to enter to win a fabulous print from I See Noise in this month’s giveaway  winner will be announced Monday, June 11th Good Luck!